What is Lent?
Lent is a season of 40 days (minus Sundays) that is focused on repentance. By following Jesus, we have turned away from our sins and recognized our need for Him to rescue us from darkness. Then we celebrate on Good Friday and Easter Sunday when we remember Jesus’ victory over our sin.
During the season of Lent, we have the opportunity to examine ourselves, recognize sin in our lives, and turn away from it. It’s a time filled with gratitude for what Jesus has done for us because we know that we could never overcome sin on our own!
During Lent, we have a variety of ways for us to draw close to Jesus as we prepare our hearts to celebrate at Easter! Lent officially begins on Wednesday, March 5 and ends on Thursday, April 17.
A Weekly Fast
The Bible has many examples of people fasting— normally in ways of giving up food or water for a certain amount of time. The purpose of fasting is to give our undivided attention and extra time to God. Some examples of when people would fast is when praying for something specific or during times of mourning. Many Christians around the world have often instituted a time of fasting during the season of Lent.
During this season at CrossRoads, we are dedicating one day a week to practice different ways of fasting. You may want to participate just once, or for all 7 Fridays. We enter into this practice, not as a way of punishing ourselves or earning grace, but as a recognition that God is the one who supplies all of our needs. If you'd like to join, sign up to receive a reminder text on Thursdays before each fast on Friday.
Want to receive reminders about our weekly fasts? Or Monday morning Bible verses to think about as you go about your week? Sign up for one or both by texting "lent" to this number (833) 313-1305!
This Week's scripture: Psalm 51:1-17
Where do you need God’s mercy and restoration?
Take some time to confess and ask God to restore to you the joy of His salvation.
Lent Lent for Everyone Living the Christian Year
by Esau McCaulley by N.T. Wright by Bobby Gross
Books for Kids:
Amon's Adventure The Friend Who Forgives
by Arnold Ytreeide by Dan Dewitt & Catalina Echeverri
Lent Playlist:
God's Story Playlist
Spotify | Apple Music
Lamentations by Bifrost Arts
Spotify | Apple Music
Lament Songs by The Porter’s Gate
Spotify | Apple Music
Justice Songs by The Porter’s Gate
Spotify | Apple Music