Holy Week & Easter Events
The events framed by Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem and His resurrection are some of the most dramatic and theologically important of the entire scriptural narrative.
The days in Holy Week feature the drama of the triumphal entry, trial, last supper, and crucifixion of Jesus. All four Gospel’s tell the story of this week and John’s gospel devotes eight of its twenty-one chapters to this week alone! The Gospels are full of true stories recounting betrayal, torture, anger, sorrow, abandonment and yet the louder theme is that of hope. Hope for a future, hope for renewal, hope for purpose, grace and forgiveness.
The week begins with Palm Sunday and ends with the “three days” (also called the Triduum, from sunset on Thursday to sunset on Easter Day), the period during which we mark Jesus’ trial, death, and resurrection.
We encourage you to spend time in the weeks and days leading up to Easter to discover the hope we have in Jesus. Focus on the last days of His earthly life and culminating on Easter Sunday, when we celebrate the empty tomb and His resurrection!
Saturday, March 29 - God's Story
The biblical story tells us the great and true account of God's marvelous acts of creation, promise, mission, victory, restoration and renewed creation. It is a beautiful story that we are personally invited to participate in through Jesus. Join us for an evening of worship through song, word and scripture as we present the big story of the amazing things that God has done!
7pm, CrossRoads Church (Sanctuary)
Sunday, April 13 - Palm Sunday
Baptism is an outward testimony of an inward transformation. It’s the first step of obedience for a disciple of Christ; a way for us to publicly declare that we acknowledge Jesus as Lord and are committing our lives to walking in His way. Come celebrate the hope and life Jesus has brought into our lives by supporting those that are getting baptized during these services.
Learn more about Baptism at crossroadschurch.ca/baptism.
Sunday, April 13 during each service at 9am, 11am, or 6pm in the Sanctuary
Join us in-person during any service, or online during one of the morning services.
Monday, April 13 to Friday, April 19 - Walk Through The Garden
This memorable event will be available on a drop in basis during Holy Week. It will be a unique opportunity to prepare your hearts for Easter as you take this intentional time to slow down, reflect, sit in the darkness, and anticipate Jesus’ glorious resurrection.
Monday, April 13 to Friday, April 19 during building hours in room 202
Upstairs in the K-4 area by the slide
Mon-Thur: 8:30AM-8:30PM
Friday: 8:30AM-12:30PM
Saturday: 10AM-2PM
Sunday: 8:30AM-5:00PM
Monday, April 14 - Family Movie Night
Cozy up with blankets and snacks while we watch the Prince of Egypt! Popcorn will be provided, but be sure to bring blankets, pillows, and any extra snacks you'd like to enjoy the movie with. All ages welcome!
Monday, April 14, 6:30pm in the Chapel
Wednesday, April 16 - Family Passover Seder Dinner
Join us for a Family Passover Seder Dinner designed for families with kids as we remember how God rescued His people during the events of the Exodus and proclaim the truth that once we were slaves, but now we are free! Come discover the traditions of this meal in a kid-friendly format, and see how it is connected to Jesus' introduction of communion at the Last Supper. This will be a wonderful evening of biblical discovery, fellowship and good food.
Wednesday, April 16 at 6:00pm in the chapel
$10 per person • Free for kids 3 and under
Please register by April 13 at crossroadschurch.ca/register
Thursday, April 17 - Passover Seder Dinner
Passover is the time when God commanded His people to celebrate when He rescued them from their slavery in the land of Egypt. Passover is also significant for Christians because Jesus’ Last Supper was a Passover Seder.
Celebrating Passover helps us understand the words of Jesus at the Last Supper, and it brings new and deeper significance for us as we prepare for Easter. Join us as we walk through the meaning of Passover and eat a delicious meal together!
Thursday, April 17 at 6:00pm in the Chapel
$10 per person • Free for kids 3 and under
Please register by April 14 at crossroadschurch.ca/register
Friday, April 18 - Good Friday Services
Good Friday is the day we remember that Jesus willingly suffered and died by crucifixion as a sacrifice for our sins. Why is it a good day? This day marks the dramatic peak of God’s plan to save us, his people, from our sins.
In order to understand the good news of the gospel we have to understand the bad news of our condition first. Deliverance only makes sense once you know how enslaved you were/are. This day that seemed to be the great triumph of evil was actually God’s glorious and good plan to redeem a world in bondage.
Good Friday is the day when wrath and mercy met at the cross and suffering and God’s forgiveness culminated. (Psalm 85:10, Romans 5:6-10)
Join us in-person or online.
Friday, April 18 at 9am or 11am in the Sanctuary
Sunday, April 20 - Resurrection (Easter) Sunday
Come celebrate with us! Easter Services are a great opportunity to invite someone new to join you.
Sunday, April 20 at 9am, 11am, or 6pm in the Sanctuary
Join us in-person during any service, or online during one of the morning services.
Easter Invite 2021
4 Invites, two-sided printable |