Ministries Missions

Short Term Outreaches

Rwanda (November 2025): Applications Due April 22

World Relief Rwanda partners with local Rwandan churches to catalyze change, resulting in thriving families, flourishing communities, and strengthened churches. For over 10 years, CrossRoads Church and World Relief Rwanda have partnered in the western region of Nyamasheke, unifying over 100 local churches from across 24 denominations to serve the most vulnerable in their communities. At the beginning 2024, Nyamasheke officially graduated, and we are now stepping into a new partnership in a neighboring region called Nyabagabe!

The World Relief Rwanda Ministry trip offers you a unique opportunity to see the work that you invest in and participate in mutually transformative partnership firsthand. Through your visit we hope you better understand World Relief’s mission/vision, programming, and the impact your partnership is having in communities and churches across the globe.

This is done through intimate home visits, engaging community gatherings, attending church in a rural setting and visiting various projects where individuals are taking what they have learned to impact their community.

This Short Term Outreach allows us to:

  • Deepen our relationship with World Relief Rwanda staff and the Nyamagabe church and community.
  • Return home with a widened world view, a heart for the poor and hope for their future.
  • You will be better equipped to communicate about the transformational work that is occurring. Further the mutual transformation between World Relief and CrossRoads Church, and the communities we serve. God is on the move, all around the world, and we are moving with him!

We invite you to travel with us as we see the transformative way churches are being empowered to serve the most vulnerable in their communities and explore how God might be leading you to engage with Him through World Relief in his movement! We hope you consider joining us on an upcoming Short Term Outreach.

This Short Term Outreach is from November 24 to December 3, 2025

Apply for this Short Term Outreach by April 22, 2025 by filling out the form online, or printing it out and delivering it to the church main office. View PDF HERE
Email for more information.

Uganda (March 2025)

Did you know Sir Winston Churchill termed Uganda the ‘Pearl of Africa?’ Uganda boasts the largest freshwater lake on the continent and the second-longest river in the world, the Nile. Uganda is also known to have some of the friendliest people in the world. 

This March, our Uganda team sets off to support and encourage our friends and long-time partners at International Needs (IN). Our team will be based at the IN campus in Buikwe, Uganda which is 2-3 hours North East of Kampala, the capital. Due to our current focus on education, the majority of our time will be spent (but not limited to) supporting students and staff at the schools. This will be both formal (classroom time, meetings with staff or in community) and informal settings such as soccer or volleyball, hanging out at the dorms, running special activities, etc. Currently there are 3 schools on campus: an elementary, a combined middle/high school and technical school as well as an additional elementary school in Kiyindi, which is a nearby town IN also serves.

During this time in Uganda, you will be invited into the classroom and on campus to get to know the students and find creative and fun ways to support and invest in them and their teachers. You will have the chance to participate in a powerful church service held on campus and run by the students. You will have the beautiful opportunity to go on a home visit, which will show you what traditional life in Buikwe looks like through the lens of a local family being impacted by the support of IN. You will have a chance to learn about Uganda and experience some of its culture through some fun excursions. There will also be many more things (and people) that will shape this experience for you that won’t be in the schedule!

This team will be in Uganda from March 13 to March 24, 2025. The exact details of the trip will be designed with the partners over the next few weeks and months. A valid passport and Yellow Fever vaccination (as requested by Ugandan Govt) is required for travel. Once the team has been selected, we will set up opportunities for team building and training. The participants for this outreach must be 18 years old by the time the team leaves as per the International Needs Canada requirements.

Find daily updates on the Uganda team:

Missions Blog

Interested in joining a team and have questions?  Before committing, please email

If you would like to participate in the 2025 Uganda trip, please fill out the online application form and email it to or download and print the PDF and give it to the main office or drop it off at the HUB.

Donate to a Short-Term Outreach here. 

Please specify the team you are supporting in the notes!

Each financial contribution designated towards a specific team member will be used as designated with the understanding that if they reach their full support or withdraw from the outreach, the remaining restricted contributions will be used where most needed as directed by the Missions Office.

All donations over $50 will be issued tax receipts at the end of the year.

Previous Short-term Outreaches Have Included:

  • Camp Moira - Lesvos, Greece 
  • Uganda
  • Refugee Camp - Porto Astro, Greece
  • Nyamasheke, Rwanda
  • Haiti