We had one of the best Daddy/Daughter Date Nights in the history of CrossRoads! We included young girls age 3 up to grade 4. Our attendance was way more than we expected and good fun was had by all who participated. Food, dancing, crafts and tons of photo-ops were part of the evening. Our hope is that as dads and daughters love each other deeply, they will continue to have special date nights together.
We were privileged to have a child dedication in the ‘Big House’. 16 families were able to dedicate their children to the Lord! We have also had other at-home child dedications and quite a few in-home or private dedications as well. Child Dedication is supported by prayer. Can you pray for our young families as they raise up their children to know and love the Lord?
Throughout this time, several porch visits and recently in-home visits have been enjoyed. We have several reasons why we visit -- sickness, new baby, people wanting to serve and just being new can get you a personal visit to your home. We are able to bless and pray for the ECM families and also the people that are on our teams to serve our “littles”.
Behind the scenes: Jaqi Tiechroeb works diligently to prepare and have ready all the areas for ministry on Sunday morning for infants up to grade 6. She has a cleaning crew for our toys, curriculum prep team and a baking team to keep organized and busy for our families! We appreciate all the people that help in the different areas and we love you, Jaqi, for all your devoted commitment to our ECM families! You do a great job and we really appreciate you!
We also have a group of ladies that make up our prayer team for our ECM families. Prayer requests have been overwhelming during the last year and we have a team of prayer warriors to bring them to the throne on behalf of our families. We appreciate you!
And last, but not least, we have a huge team of “servant-hearted” people that come one or two times a month to lead and love the “littles” of CrossRoads Church. WE could not do what we do without you! Thank you so much!!
I would like to say a huge thank you to Marcia Bowler who served faithfully for several years at CrossRoads Church. We have felt a huge loss in not having her on our team. She brought her unique personality and organizational skill to our team and area! We know she is blessing others with her gifts now… but we really miss her!
To wrap up -- the “littles” of CrossRoads Church need your prayers and support! If you are wanting to be a part of one of our awesome teams we have a place for you to serve!
Pastor Tammy