Brad Vonkeman
Report from the Board
Ready In Season and Out
This past year has been one of constant adaptation and to God be the Glory, great things He has done!
Much of what has transpired, was not originally expected, yet we knew God was calling us to Get Ready, so we made plans as best we could while praying and taking time to listen.
Here are a number of things that have occurred since the last Chronicle article that was written a year ago.
We reviewed our bylaws and our members passed them - to include having a regular rotation of board members. With that, we said goodbye and had an opportunity to affirm Todd Newfield as he stepped away from the board. Todd set an amazing example, for board members and myself as a Chairman, in the way he conducted himself. With the goodbye, also came the 'Hello' to Ifie Janzen as God has led her to take a seat at the board table and to bring her wisdom and passion to the leadership of Crossroads. We look forward to all that Ifie has to offer.
God led us to split the construction of the building to a Phase 4a and 4b. Phase 4a created an opportunity for us to adapt as a large church to smaller venues for the summer, while the renovations took place on the foyer and sanctuary in preparation for Phase 4b. We are excited about what and how God wants to move next!
We are overwhelmed by God's faithfulness in providing for the church. To come out of this first phase and have God meet all our needs financially with no debt is very humbling, and we are full of gratitude to our Heavenly Father. We are earnestly seeking Him for how to move forward with the building as we want to walk in step with Him.
We have been so blessed by the stories that have come out of the Central Alberta Outreach (CAO) Committee and the decisions that they have made in blessing Christ-based organizations around Central Alberta. Because of our congregation’s generous giving, the CAO provided for needs in Central Alberta and spread the goods news of Jesus. They often hear back from those who have been helped, and report how God is moving in and through these ministries to see His Kingdom come in Central Alberta.
As we continue down the paths of being flexible to changing times we, as a board, are committed to spending more time in prayer. We believe this is one of the most important tasks that God has charged us with; to search the scriptures and spend time in prayer hearing what He has to say to us, so we can be prepared for what He has next. We believe we are the front line of 2 Chronicle 7:13-15 – “When I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or command locust to devour the land or send a plague among my people. If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. Now My eyes will be open and my ears attentive to the prayers offered in this place.”
May we continue to be those who will always seek His face and call out to Him!
Brad Vonkeman – Board Chair
CrossRoads Church Board of Elders
Back Row L-R: Lawrence Tomalty, Todd Newfield, Doug MacDormand, Brad Vonkeman, Jordan Polson, Dan Cochrane
Front Row L-R: Dr. Marci Wilson, Karen Wiebe, Ifie Janzen, Chip Belt