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Hope Ministries Report - Ken Lehman, Assoc. Pastor of Hope Ministries

In this present ministry year, the Holy Spirit has drawn my attention to Psalm 1:1-3,

Oh, the joys of those who do not follow the advice of the wicked,
or stand around with sinners, or join in with mockers.
But they delight in the law of the Lord, meditating on it day and night.
They are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season.
Their leaves never wither, and they prosper in all they do.

I want my life, personally and ministry-wise, to be evidencing this effervescent life and influence for the Lord Jesus Christ.

I am encouraged by what I witness in the weekly chapels that I lead within Taylor View Towers, the Hamlet’s, Deer Park Village, Victoria Park, and Timberstone Mews. The Spirit of Christ is present and stirring in seniors’ lives. Attendance is growing in all five residences.

Ministry Reports

Ministry ReportsGEMS (Genuinely Enthusiastic Missional Seniors), is our monthly CrossRoads family seniors’ ministry and it is also experiencing growth. I am so grateful to the planning committee, Robyn Frizzel, Edna McCauley, Edie Hiebert, Bob & Dory Murray, and Ron & Sheila Frank as well as the help that our office Administrator, Chris Moellenbeck provides. This past year, GEMS has met on the third Thursday of each month for a luncheon and relevant program.

I continue to shepherd those who find themselves in the hospital, in the hospice, as well as giving pastoral care to those in other kinds of crisis. I see myself as a front-line responder; taking the time to listen carefully, assess the needs, walk with them towards Jesus, and advise community resources that would be helpful for them.

Ministry ReportsYou will find me on most Sundays, praying over the service and assisting the altar prayer team at the conclusion of every service. It is such a powerful experience engaging with deep needs and witnessing the Holy Spirit convicting, healing, and freeing those who are prayed for. It is a highlight for me to regularly pray with others.

In the past year I have started volunteering at the Red Deer Dream Centre which has allowed me to openly interact with the clients as well as lead a weekly devotional time with them. It is thrilling witnessing the Holy Spirit drawing these men into an awareness of Jesus Christ; and to open their lives to receive His forgiveness and experience complete cleansing, freeing them from their addictions and healing their union with Him.

I am grateful and overjoyed for the privilege of partnering with Pastor Dave Morin and Chris Moellenbeck in Hope Ministries.

Pastor Ken