While many things had to pause or go in a different direction this past year, we always have the opportunity to ask God to use situations to grow and mature us in our faith and help us delight more in Him and His way!
COVID restrictions have made things challenging in many ways, but at the same time, the Kingdom of God marches on. We are just grateful to be invited along to play our part in God’s beautiful story.
The highlights in Spiritual Formation this past year have included taking time to thank the Lord for all He has done. In October, we created an indoor Sukkah (check out Leviticus 23:33-43), in order to remember and celebrate God’s Thanksgiving Holiday in the Bible, and we took time multiple weeks to pause, reflect and show gratitude. We created a roof of corn husks that I hauled in, so my car was filled with reminders of this project for the past few months!
We have seen our Foundations course grow this year, as more people have stepped in to learn about the foundational beliefs of Christianity and how they can be applied to our everyday lives. So grateful to those who have served with me in Foundations as we explore the greatness of our God who is worthy of being followed wherever He may lead us.
We reflected well during the seasons of Advent and Lent this year, and I was so excited to get to celebrate a Passover Seder with a big group for the first time in three years!
In May we did our second Rooted Women’s Bible Conference (pictured above), which turned out wonderfully in spite of me getting sick and backing out of the majority of the weekend. I was so grateful to so many people who stepped up and served and made this a beautiful weekend—the church was the Church!
I am so thankful to be able to serve all of you in my role—I am humbled and challenged and blessed at CrossRoads Church. I am grateful to be in this body of believers as we worship and serve the King together!
Pastor Denise