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Update on River's Edge Camp


Let me begin by saying thank you to you as a church for the support that you have given to River's Edge Camp over the last few years. On behalf of the camp it has been greatly appreciated.

Let me highlight a few things that have taken place this year:

1) The summer program was a great success which made huge strides. A big thanks goes to Jesse and the program team for making this happen. We are gearing up for another great summer and this year's theme "Live it up" based on Psalm 63:4.

2) Back in June a plea went out to the EMC, asking for financial help as the camp could see that funds would be short by the end of August. God answered our prayers and over $100,000 came in through churches and individuals. As a camp we are very grateful for this as we were able to continue to meet the camp's obligations. We are still working monthly on the camp's cash glow and how to function within the camp's debt.

3) In September, a new board was put in place to start working through some of the issues that surround the camp. One of the big questions that the camp is going to work through is our mission and purpose statements. "Why does River's Edge exist."

4) The camp is working through the issues with the VTI property and getting it to a place for the possibility of putting it up for sale. Do pray with us on this issue as we desire to do the right thing with this property.

5) The camp is always looking for individuals to volunteer at the camp in roles such as hosting, helping in the kitchen and working on some of our ongoing maintenance projects. We would love to have you as part of the River's Edge team.

Thank you once again for your involvement with River's Edge Camp.
Will Born (Exec Director)