Our Local Initiatives partners care for many in our community. One way we, as a church, are able to support them is through donations. These donations are delivered by school social workers to families in need within their school and fill in gaps of other social agencies. Below is the current list of needed items. If you would like to participate, please drop off your donations at the Church Mon - Fri from 8:30am - 4:30pm or on Sundays before or after services. Thank you for supporting the CrossRoads Local Initiatives by loving on and caring for our community.
Through our School Social Workers
Food Donations:
- pasta
- pasta sauces
- canned fruit
- canned veggies
- soups
- cereals
- peanut butter
- jams
packaged snacks: - granola bars
- fruit cups
- cookies
- crackers
Other Donations:
- gently-used children's clothing
- winter clothing and outerwear