Read Connect Weekly

CrossRoads Connect Weekly

7 Signs of Life wk6

Healing the Blind Man

This month, Pastor Dan Cochrane leads a sermon series called 7 Signs of Life: Experience More with Jesus based on the Gospel of John. Through this series, we’re exploring the miracles—or signs—that reveal who Jesus is and how doing life with Him brings so much more than mere existence.

This Sunday, Pastor Dan Cochrane goes through John 9:1-41, where Jesus restores sight to a man who was born blind, revealing God’s power, yet the Pharisees refused to believe in Him—even in the face of the miracle. Jesus declared that true blindness isn’t physical but spiritual—those who reject the truth of who He is would remain lost in darkness. Are we clinging to lies that keep us blind, or are we willing to see the truth and let it transform our lives?

Throughout this series, we encourage you to read through John and ask God to show you what He wants you to learn. Visit

Everyone is welcome to worship in person this Sunday at 9am, 11am or 6pm, or join the livestream at one of the morning services. Join us online by visiting the livestream page, or find more info at

Bottles for Missions - Blue CW

Support Missions

We are grateful to have the opportunity to collect bottle donations for use by our Missions department. Your donations provide funds to support a variety of needs for local & global outreach. The collection trailer will be parked on the east side (right) of the main entrance and will be open for your donations between 8:30am and 7pm the second Sunday of every month.

Next Date: Sunday, March 9

SR Pastor Forum CW

Senior Pastor Transition

At our AGM in January, the Board recommended that Pastor Jordan Cavanaugh step into the role of Senior Pastor when Pastor Dan retires in June 2026. They also promised opportunities for the church family to learn more and ask questions—this is one of those key moments.

Join us for an open forum with Pastor Jordan as he shares his heart for CrossRoads and his vision for the future. You’ll also hear from the Board about the senior pastor transition process and the plans moving forward. This is also an opportunity for you to ask questions.

This forum will occur during our next Soup's On event, so grab a bowl of soup and join us in the Chapel!

This is an exciting season for CrossRoads, and we invite you to be part of the conversation as we look ahead with faith and anticipation.

Sunday, April 6 at 12:30pm in the Chapel


 Mayerthorpe CW

In Remembrance

On Monday, March 3, we had volunteers deliver flowers and chocolates to the six RCMP detachments across Central Alberta. This act of appreciation holds special significance for CrossRoads Church, as two of the four Mounties who lost their lives in the Mayerthorpe tragedy 20 years ago were raised in Red Deer. One of them, Brock Myrol, had his regimental funeral at CrossRoads on March 12, 2005.

The Mayerthorpe tragedy and the RCMP have remained close to our hearts. That moment was a turning point for us, as we recognized how God was calling us to serve and minister to many through the funerals held here since then.

Please pass on to everyone at your Church how much gratitude we feel with the receipt of the flowers and note today. I can’t believe it’s been 20 years, and the gestures from the public such as this goes miles for the morale and emotions of our members.

- From Sergeant Andrew Allan, Detachment Commander of the Blackfalds RCMP

Ramadan Day 8

Prayer During Ramadan

This month, we are joining the Global Church in praying for Muslims during Ramadan. Each day there is a new group of people to pray for and we hope you'll follow along with us as we pray for God to reveal Himself to Muslims while they are in their holy month.

Friday, March 7: Day 8 | Sandzak of the Balkans
The indigenous Muslims are a remnant of the Ottoman empire. Now a minority in the region face great discrimination resulting in increased devotion to Islam and continued life in spiritual darkness.

How can we pray?
That more Muslims from Sandzak will recognize Jesus as the truth and follow him.
That the people of Sandzak would recognize the light of Jesus to be stronger than all the dark powers that they have experienced.
For more workers and new ideas on how to reach the Muslims of Sandzak.

Sign up to receive daily prayer videos at or learn more at

Lent Texting CW

Prepare Your Heart for Easter

During the season of Lent, we take intentional time aside to examine ourselves, turn away from sins, and give gratitude for all Jesus has done for us. Starting this Wednesday, we have a variety of ways to help us draw close to Jesus.

As we prepare our hearts for Easter, we are dedicating one day a week to practice different ways of fasting. You may want to participate just once, or for all 7 Fridays. We enter into this practice, not as a way of punishing ourselves or earning grace, but as a recognition that God is the one who supplies all of our needs. If you'd like to join, sign up to receive a reminder text on Thursdays before each fast on Friday. Or sign up for Monday morning scripture to think about throughout your week. Sign up for one or both by texting "Lent" to (833) 313-1305.

Lent officially begins on Wednesday, March 5 and ends on Thursday, April 17. 

Teddy Bear Adventure CW

A Weekend Stuffed with Fun!

Calling all kids born in 2020 & 2021 and their families: Bring your favourite stuffy and spend the afternoon enjoying some fun activities like crafting, reading and snacking. Afterwards, leave your furry friend for an overnight adventure, where they will embark on a special journey creating cherished memories through a night of fun activities. The next morning, pick up your stuffy during one of the church services and bring home a personalized photo book capturing all the adventures your they experienced!

Saturday, March 29, 1:30pm - 3:00pm in the Trestle Room
Teddy pick-up is after any service (at 10am, 12pm, or 7pm) on Sunday, March 30

$20 per family (no siblings).
Pre-pay at registration, or drop in and pay at the door.
Register at

Bring your Adult CW

Kids & Family Sundays

Bring Your Adult are special Sunday services for children ages 3 to Grade 6 where kids get to bring their parents (or other special adult) to Sunday School once a year. It’s an opportunity for personal and familial spiritual growth that deepens family bonds, and centers God as the cornerstone of your home.

Bring Your Adult is on Sundays during each service (9am, 11am, & 6pm) in your child's classroom.

Upcoming Events:
March 9 – Age 4 - Family Blessings with Pastor Tammy
March 23 – Grade 5 – Getting Tech Ready with Pastor Barry & Pastor Rob

Find all dates at


Learn About The Mustard Seed

For anyone 55+ -- join us as we gather for another GEMS Luncheon, featuring great connecting and delicious food from the CrossRoads kitchen. This month, we welcome Jonathan Hildebrandt from the Mustard Seed as he sheds light on the complex causes of homelessness and the realities behind these struggles. The Mustard Seed recognizes the true needs in Red Deer and provides support through a wide range of services tailored to various challenges. Join us for food, fellowship, and new insight on one of our Hope Community Partners!

Thursday, March 20, at 12pm in the Chapel
$12 at the door (bring exact change)

For more information, contact Chris at 403-347-6425 or

God's Story

Experience God's Story

Last year the God's Story event was enjoyed by many and we are so excited to have this event again this year! Join us for an evening of worship through song, word, and scripture as we present the big story of the amazing things that God has done! The biblical story tells us the great and true account of God's marvelous acts of creation, promise, mission, victory, restoration and renewed creation. It is a beautiful story that we are personally invited to participate in through Jesus. Whether you are new to faith, just curious, or have been walking with Jesus for years, this evening is sure to inspire you and leave you in awe of the astounding account of God's work in history.

Saturday, March 29, 7pm in the Sanctuary

CrossRoads CORE

At the Heart of CrossRoads

Discover what truly drives our church and how you can be a vital part of it. CrossRoads C.O.R.E. is where we explore our shared vision, connect with the community, and commit to a deeper involvement in God’s work through our church. This is your chance to engage, belong, and contribute to something meaningful.

Count Me In!
If you’re ready to step into the heart of CrossRoads, sign up today! Your journey to a deeper connection with our church family begins here.

Tuesday, April 1 at 6:15pm in the Trestle Room

Register at
Learn more about CrossRoads CORE at

Baptism 2025 CW

Step Out in Obedience

Baptism is an outward testimony of an inward transformation. It’s the first step of obedience for a disciple of Christ. It is a way for us to publicly declare that we acknowledge Jesus as Lord and are committing our lives to walking in His way. We would be thrilled to help you take this important step in your faith journey!

Sunday, April 13 during each service at 9am, 11am, or 6pm in the Sanctuary

If you would like to take this important step in following Jesus, please fill out the baptism form on our website at

TheScribe - CW

Read Our God Stories

We are thrilled to release the fourth edition of The Scribe! In this edition, read about Bernie & Teresa’s path through grief, and how it has taught them about the need for community in hard times, and the gift of being carried before God in prayer. Read Luke Spicer's story of transformation and how a decade of denial was changed by a single text message. Get the inside scoop on Celebrate Recovery, and what it is really like to attend on a Friday evening, and how it has impacted so many!

There’s so much more to be encouraged by in this edition - you won’t want to miss it! Get your free copy of The Scribe this Sunday in the Foyer or read it online at

Rwanda STO CW

Missions Trip Opportunity

Join our Rwanda Short Term Outreach Team to gain new understanding of God’s mission and witness His work in Rwanda firsthand. See with your own eyes how our partner, World Relief, uses CrossRoads' support to impact the vulnerable in Rwanda and empower its leaders. Communities are transformed one leader at a time, one family at a time, and one church at a time, so this is what World Relief focuses on. We will connect with the people through home visits, churches, and stories about Rwanda's culture and history. Consider joining us on this life altering opportunity!

Apply by April 1

Learn more at

Note: Our Uganda Short Term Outreach team will serve with International Needs Uganda from March 12–24; please pray for their unity, health, and focus on God's plan. Follow their journey through their daily blog at


Supporting CrossRoads

To give to the ministry at CrossRoads and those we support, we encourage you to choose either of these options:

ONLINE BANKING: please contact for your payee account number. 

E-TRANSFER: please use as the recipient. In the notes section of the e-transfer, specify where you would like the giving designated to: GeneralMissions or Building. If no designation is made, it will be allocated to the General Fund. To receive a year-end donation receipt, please also include your address in the notes section.

Other giving options can be found at


If You're New, Welcome!

If you have recently moved to Central Alberta or are newer to CrossRoads, we would love to get to know you! We can help you plug in, find friendship and connect in the CrossRoads community. Our Pastor of Community Life, Jordan Cavanaugh, would love to connect with you—email Jordan at and tell him a little about yourself and your family.

You can also visit for a quick intro, or text 'welcome' to 1-833-313-1305 to start a conversation. So glad to have you with us!

Stay Connected

Know What's Happening

Stay connected to the stories and day-to-day happenings at CrossRoads in these simple ways:


Text: Updates to 1-833-460-1788 to subscribe (standard message rates apply).

Sign up here: Yes, send me email!


How Can We Pray For You?

Following each service, prayer team members are ready to pray with you. If you join us in person, prayer is available in the Sanctuary. If you're watching online, let us know your prayer request by sharing it here. Someone will then follow-up with you to pray together.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." - Philippians 4:6